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Your space is a mirror of your life. When you change your space, your life changes.


Today I want to share The Love Camp with you, and I hope that you join us. 

The idea for this started well over a decade and a half ago.

As many of us have, as a child I experienced a lot of other people's pain and took it to heart. Where love was concerned, what I witnessed was a personal nightmare. 

My father had several families (secretly) at once, my mom found an even more abusive man after her marriage blew up, and love became something very low on my priority list. I swore I'd never be in one of those horrible relationships. I would never "suffer for love."

Instead, I turned "personal achievement" into my brand of "self-love." I did achieve a lot, at a great expense. I was consumed by an eating disorder and numbing anxiety, and could not understand what was happening.

Through it all, I managed to get an amazing education and have extraordinary life experiences that my parents didn't have. I did everything I could to live a very different life than they had, but I still fell into their emotional patterns. These patterns included: toxic relationships with narcissists and endless gaslighting that made me feel like I was losing my mind. 

I had no idea how to love myself or love my life. And, I had no idea how to break the chain of toxic relationships that were draining every bit of my light. 

Under the weight of my stress, my life finally blew up. I got extremely sick with an autoimmune issue that landed me in the hospital for weeks, my job ended at the same time, and I needed to figure out how to heal myself as doctors were telling me that it was impossible to heal.

I realized I had to get grounded within myself and truly love myself for the first time in my life. 

This is when I found Feng Shui and started to make the kind of changes that put a solid foundation under my feet that I never had before. 

All the clutter around me in my house was so similar to my emotional overwhelm and all the things I was avoiding.  All the lack of connection in my life was mirrored in my empty walls, stuffed away boxes, and a bed on a loft in a bungalow where I'd sleep with beams a few inches from my head.

I did heal my body, and in the process, I learned in so many ways to clear negative energy, move beyond trauma, and deeply love.

Love for me, my life, my home, my friends, family, and life purpose-- it all flourished. From there, the world opened up in ways more awesome and profound than I could have imagined.

We all have our own life stories and paths. I don't profess to know every one of the secrets or mysteries of love. But, I do know that love can be an energy we choose to experience every single day.  

After years of helping thousands of people revamp, elevate, energize, and beautify their homes--  and bring their dreams to life in the process--  I'm certain that love is the energy that changes everything. 

In the last decades of working with Feng Shui, I've seen lives transform, wellness restored, careers soar, soulmates arrive, families grow, and so many more miracles that were powered by love.

Love is the energy of connection, creativity, and the hugest breakthroughs.

Love will multiply your manifesting power. 

And, this is why I'm so excited for you to fill your whole life with more love and all the magnetic power it brings!







Whether you're ready to meet your soulmate, want to improve your current relationship, or crave more self-love or meaningful friendships, as you Feng Shui your home and life in revolutionary, simple, and stunning ways, you'll unlock a higher level of attractive power. 



As you release the energy and emotions that hold you back by decluttering, energizing, re-organizing, and redesigning your home, you become more open-hearted and free to love all of life more deeply.

In The Love Camp, you can use what you have at home to make this transformation. You don't need to buy all new furniture or do radical home renovations to experience radical life changes!


Eight weeks of personalized energy-shifting routines, high-vibe Feng Shui, profound ancient wisdom, and next-level self-care will fill you up with radiance. 



Everyone is creative, and creativity is a major superpower! In The Love Camp, creativity, artistry, play, and fun are in the gorgeous spotlight.



As you elevate your home energy and activate your genius, it's easy and exciting to make a wholehearted commitment to your biggest dreams.  And, love, itself, is the greatest manifesting power!

It can be hard to face the stuff that stands between you and more of the love you want.

Some of the big reasons why: 

  • It can feel "selfish" to put yourself first. 
  • You might have learned in your life that the love you receive from some people can have conditions attached to it. 
  • Toxic relationships, family strife, grief, loss, guilt, and trauma can make it hard to confront the prospect of love.  
  • Emotional rollercoasters, stress, and distractions can make it difficult to have the time to focus on love. 

Move past any one of these hurdles and huge breakthroughs are waiting!


  • Your home is gorgeous and you feel incredible as you enter every room!
  • You're present and excited to be present for every single moment of the day! 
  • Work is fun! You also attract more perfect opportunities and larger amounts of money. 
  • You glow.  And you're ultra-confident. 
  • Every day you know that something amazing is about to happen, and it does!
  • You have a solid foundation in your life, and your home is a sanctuary. 
  • Your ability to both confront and solve problems soars. So much stress and worry are gone!
  • Inspiration and creativity flow freely. 
  • You enjoy all the self-care you need every single day!
  • You have more free time – minimally 7 more hours a week in my experience--  when you get deeply organized.  You can use this free time to make your biggest dreams come true. 
  • You know how valuable you are. 
  • You're grateful every day for everything you have.
  • You are LUCKY, and you make your own luck!
  • You know that you are lovable. And, you are surrounded by love. 
  • You feel so full of love that it becomes easier to help others without getting drained or leaving yourself behind. 
  • You feel your love can change the world! As David Hawkins found in his research, one person living in a state of love can lift 750,000 other people on the planet much higher in their lives!

And, that's just the start.

I've seen a woman with a just-finalized divorce have her dream husband arrive right after she made a few big Feng Shui changes, babies have been conceived after bedroom makeovers where couples had struggled in the past, and one client received a $500,000 investment for a dream project after just a few significant but simple switches were made at home.  
While I can't guarantee anything specific to you, I can guarantee that you will experience tons of powerful and personal change from the actions in The Love Camp!

Just getting to know me? 

My name is Dana Claudat and I am the Dana behind The Tao of Dana.  I studied Art History at Stanford University and became a Feng Shui Master.  I design homes. I design lifestyles. I curate art collections.

Mainly: I help people rewrite their stories to bring more of themselves to life and get more of what they want from life.

The Christian Science Monitor did a profile on me and my work and reported: "She identifies herself as a designer, writer, and modern Feng Shui expert, but after speaking with her I feel she could add several other descriptors to her roster, including catalyst, intuitive, and coach." 

My work has been featured in NBC News, Good Housekeeping, Apartment Therapy, Glamour, Cosmopolitan, Women's Day, Curbed, Lonny, Mashable, The Zoe Report, Refinery 29, Huffington Post, and blogs and magazines around the world. I've curated art for Saatchi Online, I've spoken at exclusive engagements, I'm a long-time wellness expert for Mind Body Green, and was an Interiors editor of the Tumblr platform.  

Of all the experiences I've had in the last 18 years, the absolute greatest thrill is hearing that my clients have fallen in love with their homes, their lives, and themselves in profound ways, dramatically expanding their abundance in the process.  

Love never fails to be magic. 

While I have been a follower of The Tao of Dana, this was my first paid camp offered by Dana in which I have participated. I can honestly say to you right up front that it was life-altering! I entered into this from a place of 3 failed marriages (to 2 alcoholics and a narcissist,) and never having had a truly healthy relationship with a man. I had never been authentic to myself in past relationships either, always trying to be what I thought they wanted me to be. The timing of the Love Camp helped, as I had finally spent time doing internal work leading up to this camp. The universe had blessed me with the realization that some permanent changes within myself were needed before pursuing another relationship.

What I needed was a mindset shift, and a belief that I could truly have a loving, healthy relationship. My limiting beliefs stemmed from the fact that I was 55 years old, had the "baggage" of 3 failed marriages, and now finally being authentic and true to myself realized that my interests & values were not within the mainstream. You see, my deepest desire is to live remotely and off-grid in a log cabin I'd built in a place like Alaska. Now that's a tall order for even the most outdoorsy of men! I even had constructed an eight page outline of all the skills and things needed to achieve this goal...and had determined I would accomplish it with or without my soulmate.

This is where the Love Camp came into play. I wanted to feel more love in my life overall, even if I never found the man of my dreams. The mixture of things presented and offered over the Camp offers so much variety and information. You can work at your own pace, pick the things that speak to you and leave what doesn't. I had already been practicing feng shui for about 10 years, but loved the more detailed and specific tips and cures that Dana offered me. My biggest shift occurred by having her available to ask specific questions related to my own gua. My house is shaped in an L, with my Love Gua structurally other words it falls outside in an open grassy area of my yard. Dana offered several suggestions to help shore that area up, both inside and out. After adding simple things that represented love to me in that outside corner and keeping a fresh Love Magnet (such a simple but potent step) on my love "altar" in my bedroom, things started happening immediately. It was truly magical in fact!

Coincidentally (or maybe not!) I had become close friends with an instructor from a Master Naturalist class I had taken. Imagine finding out that he and his children wanted to live remote and off-grid in Alaska too! (Seriously, you can't make this stuff up!) However, he was separated and going through a divorce, so very hesitant to even think about being in relationship outside of friendship. I respected that. But we had such strong common interests that we started spending a lot of time together doing things that are related to our similar dreams. Once I started implementing the cures stated before, there was a very distinctive shift. We became very connected, and started spending more and more time together. It flowed easily, and the synergy was hard to deny. The truth is, when you love who you are and exude love towards others (the core premise of the Love Camp) you draw love back to you. And that's what started happening for me. I can happily say that we are an official "couple", and just finished securing 55 logs for our first test project of building a log workshop on his property. The comfort and ease of such an honest, open, loving soulmate relationship is beyond anything I thought I could ever have, and I truly know it came from the simple steps I took during the Love Camp. My desire for others to know that it truly is possible to have a life full of love is immense, and my gratitude to Dana is beyond words.


Results – that’s why you should do Dana’s camps.

From being laid-off and unemployed for a year, behind one month in rent, living on the edge of ‘what’s going to happen to me’ … to gainfully employed in a position practically designed for me, driving a beautiful Hyundai Sonata with heated seats, all expenses fully paid.

Support – Dana is a sweet, thoughtful, inspirational, experienced strong, old soul. Her work is impeccable. You are guided throughout. And the group – there is power that comes with intention. Dana pointed this out, I called upon the group and ta da! the job arrived more generously than I planned. I have never met the group, but I know them. Supportive and sometimes funny, informative and extremely useful.

Awareness / Intention / Living Mindfully – how do you suppose I was able, in the midst of all that stuckness and fear – especially brought on by others who couldn’t bear standing in my shoes – to keep moving forward, believing, letting go, handling living on the skinny branches of the tree? Dana and the Camp. Breakthroughs from breakdowns; simplicity out of chaos. Living in the present, bringing intention in the present activity, looking forward, silencing the noise. IF thoughts are things, and everything is energy just vibrating at different levels, then you are safe in Dana’s teachings. So as a simple example: I created a few rituals – nothing drastic - a singing bowl so I feel the vibration move through me, and hear the tone to remind me why I’m (say) cleaning up an area versus it simply being a chore of cleaning … can you see the difference? That’s Dana.

If you’re here, you’re ready to take on this part of your life. No coincidence. You’re in good hands creating your foundation from which you can build or even rebuild your dreams. Thanks Dana. I love you.


The Love Camp and really all of Dana's camps are truly amazing! You can go at your own pace and implement into your life what feels right. The tools are amazing but what really sets these camps apart if Dana. Her energy is infectious! She is like having a living angel by your side, supporting you, guiding you and encouraging you. The Camp members become an extended family. They support and share along the way making you feel like you are part of something bigger and more magical. So many amazing things have happened in my life since I first start the camps. New relationships, multiple unexpected trips to Europe, extended contracts, opportunities that I thought were gone reappeared. There are so many things I could say I could go on for days! What I think it most important for someone considering this is that you will be empowered with more tools than you could imagine to shift your energy, to set your path and to guide your ship. It's like taking your life from a middle seat on a budget airline to seat in business class on the best airline: you're still on a journey but the ride is so much better! The first step to more love is loving yourself enough to give yourself the gift of her camps! Do it! See you there!


During Love Camp I got connected with plants, so I did an activity to plant trees. I planted 70 trees. I have given presentations and speeches about that.

With every step I am opening up more and more. I was in my shell. I didn't talk with people, I didn't meet people, I didn't give any suggestion in any groups I attend. I was like that.
Now, I am looking for every opportunity to speak, give speeches and presentations.

I got connected with my life purpose. I am healer but instead of healing others , I love teaching them self-healing. I feel by healing they become dependent on me. By teaching them, I am empowering them.
Dana's energy is everywhere in my life. Love Camp and Dana have done remarkable miracles in my life.

My relationship with my family has changed a lot especially with my in laws. That is best gift of Love Camp.

I was in deep down, feeling I had fallen into tunnel. Love Camp has brought me out to the world.
My life was in complete chaos. You have beautified that.

I just loved The Love Camp …how you wanted to pour out yourself to help others. Best part I feel of yours is selfless work without ego.
I learned best way of Feng Shui instead of the superstitious way of putting stuff everywhere at home.




I have been creating and hosting online groups for nine years, and I know the life-changing force of a community. I live for this stuff.  And I know this experience isn't for everyone. 


The Love Camp is NOT for you if...

  • you want to complain, blame others, or anything of the sort.
  • you're waiting for someone to do the work for you.
  • you're convinced you won't be able to do it (I know you can, but I can't convince you, I won't try and I don't want that to take energy away from the group).
  • you're looking to completely re-decorate your home with my one-on-one guidance in furnishing your whole home during The Love Camp. This is not Personal Feng Shui Design Consultation, even though the outcome will be a gorgeous design in your home!  That said, you will have one-on-one time with me to get all the support and guidance you need to design, re-design, and activate the energy in your home in our live webinars, weekly Zoom Coaching sessions, and the Private Community group.  
  • you want a complete Feng Shui consultation one-on-one with me (see the above!).  We are focused on Feng Shui to tune your whole life to love energy. The Love Camp contains 20X more material- over 10 hours of video, 30 pages of resources, and bonus calls-- than you'd get in a Private Consultation, so rest assured, you are doing major Feng Shui in The Love Camp.

The Love Camp IS for you if...

  • you're ready to transform your space from stuck to energized!
  • you're ready to transform your life and all of the love in your life-- creating a life full of flourishing love!
  • you're excited to have a home and life free of needless obstacles and blocks that have been standing in the way of your joy, love, and greater abundance! 
  • you're willing to take action! You can do The Love Camp at your own pace, you have the Camp to keep, and you can repeat the Love Camp for FREE every time it runs as a group, so there's no need to rush!
  • and, you're excited to feel more magnetic, living with super-attractive radiance echoing through your entire home and life!

I started Love Camp thinking that it would help me focus my priorities and improve my marriage but instead it highlighted my need for self-care and self-love.

It was an eye opening 8 week journey that has helped me rethink how I see myself.

Dana and the whole group is so supportive and sharing each other’s wins and answering any questions with such love and support makes this an uplifting positive wonderful group to be part of.

I couldn’t recommend it enough and can’t wait for the next Camp to go deeper again.


I have done all of Dana's camps from the start and highly recommend them. They have made me so much more aware on an ongoing basis yet Love Camp was by far the most eye opening for me! I became so much more aware of how appreciating myself and looking at myself through love affects all that I do from how I keep my environment and handle daily decisions to how I speak to my inner being. Since using the tools I learned from Love Camp I might sometimes default to past habits yet the difference is now I feel uncomfortable when I do. I know those habits are not coming from the seat of love for myself. So I basically call myself out when that happens. It's changing the way I live with myself and in the world. In the process I see a beautiful domino effect on my environment and personal relationships. All the best relationships start with the one we have with ourselves. I would say that Love Camp taught me how to see myself as a work of art which, in turn, propels me to make my life a work of art, too.


Dana is a very compassionate, knowledgeable and generous soul. I have found myself evolving more and more with each Camp. Her joyful energy and colorful creativity are contagious and have brightened up my life. I am so grateful that I have had the opportunity to take Dana’s Camps and transform my environment and myself. Om Shanti.


Here's what you get when you join The Love Camp :

  • A log-in to a private website where you'll find all The Love Camp material arriving weekly starting October 28th, 2024. There is a Love Visioning Workshop that's both live-streamed and recorded for you during this first week of The Love Camp!
  • Access to the Private Love Camp Community Group where I'll be present every day for the 8-week Love Camp.
  • Love Camp materials that include over 10 hours of gorgeous HD videos, checklists, worksheets and inspiring resource pages to enrich your experience!
  • 8 Weekly ZOOM Coaching Calls with me where every single one of your questions on the Love Camp material will be answered. We don't watch a clock; everyone will get the support they need. These are AWESOME.
  • 2 LIVE FENG SHUI WEBINARS - These webinars have proven to be a huge success in transforming spaces! You'll get my personal Feng Shui fine-tuning for your home during these Webinars. I've been working online doing Feng Shui Consultations for nearly 16 years, and you'll experience the same Feng Shui process that I use with my clients to get awesome results.
  • The ability to repeat the Love Camp every year for no extra charges to refine and expand. Every level of life requires more organization, creativity, and energy!
  • Bonus Calls with incredible leaders and experts.
  • People are often astonished by the amount of material, practice, and synergy in the Love Camp, and updates are made every year!  Once you're a member, you get all the updates, instantly. 
  • And… MORE!  The Bonuses this year are valued as high as the Camp itself!



It's the week to clear your home and life of stagnation, clutter, and energetic baggage from the past, opening the doors to more love in profound ways.

There is a Love Visioning Workshop this week where you'll learn many time-tested, largely science-backed, Feng Shui manifestation tools. 

  • Your DIY Space-Clearing routine creates a fresh start at home.
  • Three Love Camp foundation-building habits will lift your energy every day and help you to create the brightest future! 
  • You'll see the Love Story of your home and your life as it is right now, and you'll re-write it during the Love Camp to be your ultimate, ideal Love Story. 
  • This week's Bedroom Magnetism is full of unique Feng Shui techniques to turn your bedroom into a love magnet! (*and, you'll make your own energetic Love Magnet!) 
  • You'll set Feng Shui Love Intentions that are crystal-clear, and supercharged with dynamism. 
  • It's time to start clearing the "sneaky clutter" that's been blocking the energy of love from flourishing in your home and life. 

This week you'll foster new habits of self-love, self-esteem, dynamic confidence, and an even stronger personal mission empowering you and your home every day.  

You'll learn: 

  • 10 scientifically-proven ways that love can empower you, and practical methods to harness that power right now.
  • Feng Shui energy shifts to help you to be fully SEEN & CELEBRATED in a bigger way than ever before. 
  • 20 time tested energy practices to build self-love. 
  • The one thing you must do to feel fulfilled and build momentum as you expand your life. 
  • How to use vulnerability as a superpower.
  • 7 cutting-edge methods to stop Energy Vampires -- the draining energies and people around you-- from holding you down or blocking your abundance. 

Feng Shui this week for the Self & Power areas of your home focuses on loving your life mission, adding love to workspaces, and celebrating your awesome personal achievements!


Creative energy is manifesting energy. We are all creative, and all of life is creative. This week is all about awakening and supercharging your creativity.  You'll learn innovative tools that you can use to design your life, open your heart, and keep your energy soaring! 

This week, your style, your desires, your intuition, and your home light up with so much artfulness and joy. 

You'll learn: 

  • Why making art and living with art is incredibly life-changing, magnetic, and abundant!
  • 7 DIY Art Therapy exercises to clear your mind and heart, making space for more love to flourish.
  • My Feng Shui Magnetism Formula can help you to manifest your desires with greater ease.
  • Practical, life-expanding ways to elevate your personal style in every way imaginable. Your meals, your wardrobe, your decor, your communication, and your entire lifestyle level up when they're infused with your brand of magic.
  • My special ART ASSIGNMENT-- the exercise I give to clients that has enhanced love, magnetized soulmates, and revitalized relationships-- is HERE for you!

Feng Shui this week for your Creativity & Legacy areas at home is focused on cultivating sensory richness, boundless creativity, radical self-expression, and dynamic breakthroughs!


It's a week for revitalization, self-care, and prioritizing your wellness. 

It's a CHALLENGE week with an interactive Group Challenge in your Private Community group. 

This week there will be Feng Shui for the Health area of your home, along with resources and my favorite exercises to: 

  • clear the energy of your chakras
  • open your heart energy
  • eliminate the most hidden source of stress in a home (you will love this)

Love and money are intimately related in our lives and our homes. You'll be exploring many aspects of money and abundance this week, especially as it relates to your self-empowerment and the state of your relationships.  

You'll learn:   

  • Energy shifts to allow yourself to shine in all you do because authenticity is your true nature. 
  • How Money affects your Love Story, and how to optimize both Love and Money in your home and life.  
  • 10 ways to use the power of deep connection to expand your abundance. 
  • Practical methods to fall in love with money and generate more cash flow.
  • How empathy and Emotional Intelligence (EQ) are the keys to stunning success and passionate prosperity.

Feng Shui for the Money/Self-Empowerment & Helpful People Areas of your home will focus on opening doors to new opportunities, expanding the amount of attention, support, and abundance you can receive in your life! 


It's a CHALLENGE Week with an interactive Group Challenge in your Private Community group. 

This week features one assignment that will leave you feeling like you're floating on clouds of love!


The love you experience in life brings you great wisdom. Wisdom, in turn, allows you to make more wholehearted commitments, guiding you to live with even more harmony and love. All of your relationships are the greatest opportunities to grow, and this week is full of science-based wisdom and lots of transformational design! It's time to focus on your Feng Shui Bedroom Makeover, including a webinar to work on your bedroom space with me to create the dreamiest bedroom sanctuary. 

You'll learn: 

  • How to Feng Shui your mirrors, along with a lesson on the mirror effect in life that can help you to improve all of your relationships.
  • 10 ways to communicate more clearly and connect more deeply to your loved ones. 
  • The main 7 toxic types of love relationships and how to steer clear of them.
  • The Feng Shui Heartbreak Cure, and why grief is so important to growth.
  • Revolutionary Bedroom Feng Shui- everything you've likely never heard before about Feng Shui and bedrooms!

Feng Shui for the Wisdom area of your home will highlight and reinforce all the ways that love makes us stronger and expands our lives. The more we love, the more we can love!


This week, you'll dive into the love corner of your home to make massive changes in easy ways. 

You'll have a depth of understanding and so many tools to attract love, cultivate love, thrive in love, and turn this energy of love into the foundation of your lifestyle. 

You'll learn: 

  • 10 simple science-based strategies to improve all of your relationships!
  • Techniques to enhance intimacy in your home and life.
  • 5 strategies for turning love into a lifestyle.  
  • 20 energetic tools to manifest more love every day in harmony with nature, including crystals, sounds, scents, plants infused with your magic, love-expanding foods, and more to expand your horizons!

Feng Shui for the Love and Relationships area of your home provides the open-hearted, passionate, and blissful finishing touches on your magnetic home!

You might be wondering...



CORD-CUTTING ENERGY MEDITATION! (*this BONUS costs more than the whole Camp if you did it on its own!)

The Love Camp features an Energy Meditation to help you energetically let go of the baggage of the past so that love can flourish in your life.

This process goes far beyond simply detaching toxic ties with people, places, and events of the past-- it also helps you to reclaim the energy that's been stuck in those entanglements of your past.

It's revitalizing, refreshing, incredibly restorative, and the shift you feel can be instant!

The Love Visioning Workshop!

There is a Love Visioning Workshop online to kick off The Love Camp this year! 

Manifesting with the energy of your heart, your passion, and your emotions, is one of the most powerful and incredibly fun ways to make big breakthroughs in life.

In this Love Visioning Workshop, you'll clarify your intentions for love, and learn Feng Shui Manifesting Methods that harness the power of your heart to actualize your desires.


I am here to be of service to you. Your outcome is my outcome, and I take the successes of everyone who interacts with my material extremely seriously.

You will have my support, my best ingenuity, and my years of experience to answer every single one of your questions.

And... if you go through the whole Camp and actually DO it all-- ALL 8 weeks-- and do not see or feel any changes in your home or life for the better, you can happily have a full refund if you send in all your completed homework and photos by the last day of The Love Camp cycle.

If you're ready to elevate your home, align your energy, welcome in more love, and put your new-found, mountain-moving focus behind your passions and dreams, sign up now!


The Love Camp is open for Registration for a few days this year and then it's closed until the Summer of 2024.

We start as a group on March 20th, 2023, but Week One is opening early so that you can get started right away!

It's $398 for the 8-Week Love Camp with materials you keep forever:  

10+ Hours of gorgeous HD Feng Shui Videos, full of revolutionary Feng Shui methods you will not find anywhere else!

30+ pages of gorgeous Resources and checklists. 

8 weeks of ZOOM Coaching Calls with no time limit

2 Live Feng Shui WEBINARS where you'll get my 1+1 feedback, Feng Shui guidance, and support. 

Plus, very special BONUSES- including the Energy Clearing Meditation to attract more love, and the Love Visioning Workshop!

If you purchased them separately, The Love Camp contains over $3500 of exclusive Feng Shui, home and life coaching, workshops,  webinars, and energy-clearing tools.

And, it's the last time The Love Camp will run at this price.

If you're ready for a next-level of power and joy in love, in life, and at home, all of your breakthroughs are waiting for you!

To sign up for The Love Camp, click the big red button below, and I'll see you soon!








single payment

  • 10+ Hours of Love Camp HD Videos Full of unique, creative, and incredibly powerful Feng Shui for your home and life
  • Weekly checklists and gorgeous resources
  • 8 ZOOM Coaching Calls With Dana
  • 2 Live and Interactive Feng Shui Webinars with Dana to answer all your specific Love Feng Shui design questions
  • Lifetime access to The Love Camp, including all future upgrades and additions
  • And, you can repeat the Love Camp each year with Dana as many times as you'd like for FREE.
  • BONUS: Informative calls with top wellness experts.
  • BONUS: LOVE VISIONING WORKSHOP packed with unique tools to supercharge your intentions and manifest more. 
  • BONUSCORD CUTTING ENERGY MEDITATION to release any lingering ties to the past and free you to attract more love!



one payment now, one in 30 days

  • 10+ Hours of Love Camp HD Videos Full of unique, creative, and incredibly powerful Feng Shui for your home and life
  • Weekly checklists and gorgeous resources
  • 8 ZOOM Coaching Calls With Dana
  • 2 Live and Interactive Feng Shui Webinars with Dana to answer all your specific Love Feng Shui design questions
  • Lifetime access to The Love Camp, including all future upgrades and additions
  • And, you can repeat the Love Camp each year with Dana as many times as you'd like for FREE.
  • BONUS: Informative calls with top wellness experts.
  • BONUS: LOVE VISIONING WORKSHOP packed with unique tools to supercharge your intentions and manifest more. 
  • BONUSCORD CUTTING ENERGY MEDITATION to release any lingering ties to the past and free you to attract more love!



3 payments, each 30 days apart

  • 10+ Hours of Love Camp HD Videos Full of unique, creative, and incredibly powerful Feng Shui for your home and life
  • Weekly checklists and gorgeous resources
  • 8 ZOOM Coaching Calls With Dana
  • 2 Live and Interactive Feng Shui Webinars with Dana to answer all your specific Love Feng Shui design questions
  • Lifetime access to The Love Camp, including all future upgrades and additions
  • And, you can repeat the Love Camp each year with Dana as many times as you'd like for FREE.
  • BONUS: Informative calls with top wellness experts.
  • BONUS: LOVE VISIONING WORKSHOP packed with unique tools to supercharge your intentions and manifest more. 
  • BONUSCORD CUTTING ENERGY MEDITATION to release any lingering ties to the past and free you to attract more love!